
Listening to Motivational Content is Getting You No-Where (Without Action).

Read Time - 5 min
Written by
Nickolai Garces

Listening to Motivational Content is Getting You No-Where (Without Action).

Most likely if you're reading this you want to improve some aspect of your life, (whether it be you, your income, your relationships, anything).

Over the past 3 years, I've embarked on a long self-improvement journey.

I have learned a few valuable lessons on my way:

  • You create your own opportunities, they almost never come to you.
  • You have to try EVERYTHING.
  • Studying content like this will not make you improve on its own.

(Hint: It's really up to you).

Now, I get it might sound like I'm telling you to stop reading this newsletter.

Of course not, I just want you to realize the importance of taking action, as content like this will only get you so far.

I suggest that each letter of mine, or any self-improvement content piece you see online for that matter, be a starting point.

Use it to get ideas, use those ideas to take action, and the action is what yields results.

Don't just stop there-

Every action of yours will come with a reaction, and you can continue to act again.

All of these things have taught me a tremendous amount about what matters in life, and what doesn’t.

The people that are building successful lives are not smarter than you are.

Essentially, over lots of failing and starting up again, they've developed a tough layer of thick skin, and are relentless with action.

If you do not know where to start, or if you do have a plan, let's get into some rules of action that will keep you progressing in your journey.

These are my new 5 rules of action for life:

  1. 5 Second Countdown

Let's start with a tip you can do if you do know a task that you should be doing but you might be procrastinating.

Think about a rocket launching into space, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Lift-off! 🚀"

Tell yourself you are going to do what you need to do at the end of the count down in your head.

Sounds a bit cliche, but for whatever reason it really does trick your brain into getting started.

  1. When you study, you MUST also act.

One of the most common reasons that people procrastinate is that they feel as if they need to have a plan figured out before acting.

That said, there's a vast amount of empirical knowledge learned by failure and cannot be learned by only studying.

Now that you know this, it is important that when you get an idea of something that could improve your life-

You act on it that second.

  1. Commit to Your Journey

Remember the importance of your commitment to your journey, not the results.

The results come to you on their own when you become the person deserving of them.

If you attach your self-satisfaction with the amount of effort you've made toward your goals, rather than if you reached the goal itself, it will be much easier to make progress.

That way, when you expect to accomplish something, and it ends up a failure, you get up, brush yourself off, and try again.

  1. Keep it Simple

Pick whichever idea you'd like to build. Once you have your idea, start:

  • Building a quick landing page showcasing the idea of your product/service.
  • Testing your idea by spreading the word (cheap ads or talking about it daily online).
  • Once people are interested, start building the product.
  • Connecting a payment processor like Stripe, Shopify, or Paypal.
  • Funneling users to this page with call-to-action buttons.
  • Reaching out to your users for feedback.
  • Improving your product/service and repeat.

This is a simple, basic formula that can be applied to any idea you'd like to monetize.

Stick to these simple actions and reduce any waste of your valuable time and money.

  1. Live a "Risky" Life

Another reason people don't start their business venture is because it's too "risky"

They feel as if their startup doesn't work out, they have nothing to fall back on.

I feel it is imperative for you to go all in on this journey.

When you take a step back to think about it, is the low risk tolerance even beneficial to you?

Is it possible that it is even harmful to you?

If you have a desire to be your own boss, but you feel it is too risky to quit your job and go all in-

Is it possible that the true risk you face is developing a tolerance to work a 9-5 job that you hate until you are 65?

In closing, if you're comfortable where you are, and are happy with your current job, lifestyle, etc., there's no shame in that.

The goal of these letters is for you to improve on what you feel you lack.

Improving these aspects of your life will make you feel more fulfilled if you do not.

These kinds of things give you a purpose.

That being said, I hope you do live by these rules. I hope you do want to become financially free, be your own boss, and I encourage you to live a riskier, (and far more rewarding) life.

Lastly, I hope you enjoyed this week's BizBeams letter.

I'll see you next week,


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